- 小麦阿拉伯木聚糖(酶脱支,30%ARA)
英文名:Wheat Arabinoxylan (enzyme debranched, 30% Ara)
规格:3 grams
市场价: 2900元
英文名:Wheat Arabinoxylan (enzyme debranched, 30% Ara)
规格:3 grams
市场价: 2900元
货号 |
内径 |
外径 |
长度 |
包装量 |
10050 |
0.25mm |
0.37 ± 0.04mm |
15m |
ea. |
10051 |
0.25mm |
0.37 ± 0.04mm |
30m |
ea. |
10052 |
0.25mm |
0.37 ± 0.04mm |
60m |
ea. |
10055 |
0.32mm |
0.45 ± 0.04mm |
15m |
ea. |
10056 |
0.32mm |
0.45 ± 0.04mm |
30m |
ea. |
10057 |
0.32mm |
0.45 ± 0.04mm |
60m |
ea. |
10060 |
0.53mm |
0.69 ± 0.05mm |
15m |
ea. |
10061 |
0.53mm |
0.69 ± 0.05mm |
30m |
ea. |
10062 |
0.53mm |
0.69 ± 0.05mm |
60m |
ea. |
InertCap 5MSSil
InertCap 5MS/Sil是一款弱极性色谱柱,键合了5%苯基和95%甲基聚硅氧烷氧烷。专为GC/MS仪器所设计,InertCap 5MS/Sil采用了亚芳基技术,实现了耐高温和低流失。除了一般的基本性能测试和品质检测外,还使用农药混合物样品对每个批次进行进一步严格的检验,以保证产品的可靠性。产品包装里含有检测数据,在GC/MC分析上是您的选择。
l 5 %苯基- 95 % 甲基聚硅氧烷
l 与USP G27 固定相相当
l 超低流失
内径(mm) |
长度(m) |
膜厚(µm) |
最高使用温度(ºC) |
产品型号 |
0.25 |
15 |
0.1 |
iso325-prog.350 |
1010-15120 |
0.25 |
1010-15122 |
0.5 |
1010-15124 |
30 |
0.1 |
iso325-prog.350 |
1010-15140 |
0.25 |
iso325-prog.350 |
1010-15142 |
0.5 |
1010-15144 |
1 |
iso325-prog.350 |
1010-15145 |
60 |
0.1 |
iso325-prog.350 |
1010-15160 |
0.25 |
1010-15162 |
0.32 |
15 |
0.1 |
iso325-prog.350 |
1010-15220 |
0.25 |
1010-15222 |
0.5 |
iso325-prog.350 |
1010-15224 |
30 |
0.1 |
iso325-prog.350 |
1010-15240 |
0.25 |
1010-15242 |
0.5 |
iso325-prog.350 |
1010-15244 |
60 |
0.1 |
iso325-prog.350 |
1010-15260 |
0.25 |
1010-15262 |
HC-40 阳离子交换色谱柱
➣ 分离低聚糖( DP8以下)
➣ 水做流动相
➣ RI检测
I.D.×Length |
10-15μm |
7.8×305mm |
79432 |
市场价: 3800元 爱尔兰Megazyme 海藻七糖
大赛璐iCHIRAL Series家族再添新成员啦,此次我们的新成员名叫CHIRALPAK® IJ,这标志着大赛璐多糖衍生物涂敷型手性柱的经典款"四大金刚"(AD/OD/AS/OJ)均有了对应的耐溶剂键合型。
20世纪80年代,古屋大学Yoshio Okamoto教授联合大赛璐集团公司共同研发出多糖衍生物手性色谱柱,为手性药物的分离提供了好的方法。此后几十年中,大赛璐集团相继推出了不同多糖衍生物手性固定相的手性柱十余款。在众多手性填料固定相的色谱柱中脱颖而出的AD/OD/AS/OJ色谱柱,受到客户们的青睐,适用范围广,性能好,口碑佳,被称为"四大金刚"柱。
2004年开始,大赛璐iCHIRAL Series耐受溶剂的键合型手性色谱柱一经推出,受到了客户们的一致追捧,CHIRALPAK® IJ正式加入到iCHIRAL Series家族中,成为iCHIRAL Series家族的一员,至此,iCHIRAL Series已有10位成员。IA/IB N/IH/IJ四款耐溶剂型手性柱作为"四大金刚"(AD/OD/AS/OJ)的对应款,可以说是将经典的传承与的创新融合体现的淋漓尽致。
iCHIRAL Series手性柱因耐受溶剂种类多,可选择的流动相范围广泛,可极大发挥色谱柱的选择性,发挥流动相的多样性。CHIRALPAK® IJ手性柱,可使用常规正相模式,流动相为"正己烷/醇",同时还可以使用乙酸乙酯、四氢呋喃、二氯甲烷等强溶剂的正相非传统模式。并且,该柱子经过溶剂的置换,可以使用以"水相/有机相"为流动相的反相模式。不同的使用模式会影响色谱柱的手性选择性。当正相传统模式无法满足基线分离时,再尝试其他的流动相使用模式下,有可能带来意想不到的分离效果。
CHIRALPAK® IJ色谱柱是OJ型填料,部分保留OJ型填料分离倾向,但键合和涂敷方式的不同,使整个手性填料的空间结构也发生了改变。虽然在化合物的选择性上有一定的重合,但也不排除例外的情形,出现某些化合物只适合在涂敷型或仅能在键合型手性柱上得到很好的分离。在目前已有的iCHIRAL Series(IA-IH)产品上难以分离的化合物能够使用CHIRALPAK IJ得到解决方案。
品名 |
种类 |
内径(mm) |
柱长(mm) |
填料粒径(um) |
货号 |
柱芯 |
4 |
10 |
5 |
90311 |
分析柱 |
4.6 |
150 |
5 |
90324 |
分析柱 |
4.6 |
250 |
5 |
90325 |
微径柱 |
2.1 |
150 |
5 |
90394 |
微径柱 |
2.1 |
250 |
5 |
90395 |
半制备柱保护柱 |
10 |
20 |
5 |
90337 |
半制备柱 |
10 |
250 |
5 |
90335 |
半制备柱 |
20 |
250 |
5 |
90345 |
SFC用半制备柱 |
10 |
250 |
5 |
90435 |
SFC用半制备柱 |
20 |
250 |
5 |
90445 |
柱套 |
4 |
10 |
5 |
00011 |
英文名:L-Malate dehydrogenase (E. coli)
规格:50000 Units
市场价: 2500元
High purity recombinant L-Malate dehydrogenase (E. coli) for use in research, biochemical enzyme assays and in vitrodiagnostic analysis.
From E. coli. This recombinant enzyme has been expressed in E. coli and purified by affinity chromatography. Electrophoretically homogeneous (MW 34,500).
In 3.2 M ammonium sulphate.
Specific activity: 1130 U/mg (25oC, pH 7.5. on oxaloacetic acid.
Stable at 4oC for > 4 years.
· 苯基亚芳基聚合物,实际上相当于(5%-苯基)-甲基聚硅氧烷
· 非极性
· 极低流失,十分适合于GC/MS
· 对于活性化合物都呈现优异的惰性
· 改进的信躁比使选择性更好,质谱谱图更完整
· 可进行MSD实验和确认
· 完全替代 HP-5TA
· 相当于美国药典固定相G27
· 可提供带 DuraGuard 的柱型(内置保护柱的GC柱)
英文名:Mannotetraose – 30mg
规格:30 mg
市场价: 2800元
CAS: 51327-76-5
Molecular Formula: C24H42O21
Molecular Weight: 666.6
Purity: > 95%
High purity Mannotetraose for use in research, biochemical enzyme assays and in vitro diagnostic analysis.
规格:250 mg
市场价: 1900元
CAS: 33401-87-5
Molecular Formula: C18H32O16
Molecular Weight: 504.4
Purity: > 97%
High purity Panose for use in research, biochemical enzyme assays and in vitro diagnostic analysis. Panose is formed by the action of neopullulanase on pullulan. It can be used as an analytical standard or as a substrate to help characterise the activities of other starch degrading enzymes including α-glucosidase and amyloglucosidase.
Data booklets for each pack size are located in the Documentation tab.
英文名:Isopanose – 100 mg
规格:100 mg
市场价: 2800元
CAS: 82838-47-9
Molecular Formula: C18H32O16
Molecular Weight: 504.4
Purity: > 95%
High purity isopanose (6-O-α-D-maltosyl-glucosose) for use in research, biochemical enzyme assays and in vitrodiagnostic analysis. Isopanose is formed by the action of isopullulanase on pullulan. It can be used as an analytical standard or as a substrate to help characterise the activities of other starch degrading enzymes including α-glucosidase and amyloglucosidase.
英文名:α-(1-2,3,4,6)-L-Fucosidase (Homo sapiens)
规格:10 Units at 25°C (~ 34 U at 37°C)
市场价: 2800元
High purity α-(1-2,3,4,6)-L-Fucosidase (Homo sapiens) for use in research, biochemical enzyme assays and in vitrodiagnostic analysis.
CAZy Family: GH29
CAS: 9037-65-4
alpha-L-fucosidase; alpha-L-fucoside fucohydrolase
Recombinant. From Homo sapiens.
In 3.2 M ammonium sulphate.
Specific activity: 7 U/mg protein (on pNP-α-L-fucopyranoside) at pH 4.0 and 25oC; ~ 23 U/mg at 37oC; ~ 68 U/mg at 50oC.
Stability: > 2 years 4oC.
Inertsil ODS-3
Inertsil ODS-3 的填料是在高纯度球状硅胶化学修饰具有通用性的十八烷基,实施了理想的端基封尾。与其他的ODS色谱柱相比,它提供了更强的疏水性相互作用,并保留了各种化合物。在市场上众多的ODS色谱柱之中,Inertsil ODS-3凭借其通用性自推出以来就广受好评。
由于良好的键合技术和端基封尾,Inertsil ODS-3具有高惰性。Inertsil ODS-3无论是使用于碱性或者酸性化合物,都能得到良好的峰形。
硅基硅的合成过程受到严格控制。此外,通过专有的结合和端盖技术,确保了惰性和选择性。它是一个可靠的ODS柱,它提供了良好的再现性和长列的生命周期。硅胶合成的每一道工序都经过严格把控。此外,通过专有的键合技术和端基封尾,确保了高惰性和选择性。Inertsil ODS-3具有良好的重现性以及耐久性,是一款值得信赖的色谱柱。
TSK-GEL 亲和层析柱(AFC)
TOSOH 公司出品的TSK-GEL亲和色谱系列有三种特殊基团的固定相和一种活性填料Tresyl-5PW组成。亲和色谱对生物分子的分离和纯化给出高水平的特殊性和选择性。种类有分析、制备及工艺规模的亲和色谱。
TSK-GEL亲和色谱柱以著名的G5000PW多孔树脂为基体,此树脂也是高性能尺寸排阻色谱的基体。5PW基体树脂是一种亲水性介质,孔尺寸为1000A,蛋白质排出极值估计为5×106Da。TOSOH公司的工艺规模的亲和介质为65μm粒径,半刚性Toyopearl HW-65树脂。因为分析和半制备柱和工艺规模介质有同样的聚合物化学,因此从实验室到工艺规模,可以达到按比例准确扩大。
特 性 |
优 点 |
高尺寸排阻限值 (1000 Å ) |
促进了亲和色谱对大分子蛋白质的分离 |
小颗粒尺寸 |
分析柱 (10μm)和半制备柱(13μm)亲和的高效应用 |
刚性聚合物基体树脂 |
宽广的 PH使用范围,可以进行清洗 |
稳定的亲和配合体 |
寿命长、溶剂相容性好、可高压灭菌 |
四种亲和配合体 |
应用灵活性强,能够从实验室过渡到商业生产 |
TSKgel BioAssist 螯合硬件为 PEEK 材料 |
减少与柱硬件之间的交互作用 |
货号 |
生产商 |
产品描述 ( IDmm×Lengthcm ) |
14452 |
ABA-5PW Glass,1000 Å ( 5.0×5.0 ) |
14453 |
ABA-5PW Glass,1000 Å ( 8.0×7.5 ) |
14449 |
Boronate-5PW Glass, 1000 Å ( 5.0×5.0 ) |
14450 |
Boronate-5PW Glass, 1000 Å ( 8.0×7.5 ) |
14440 |
Chelate-5PW Glass, 1000 Å ( 5.0×5.0 ) |
14441 |
Chelate-5PW Glass, 1000 Å ( 8.0×7.5 ) |
14443 |
Heparin-5PW Glass, 1000 Å ( 5.0×5.0 ) |
14444 |
Heparin-5PW Glass, 1000 Å ( 8.0×7.5 ) |
14458 |
Tresyl-5PW Glass ( 8.0×7.5 ) |
14457 |
Tresyl-5PW Glass ( 5.0×5.0 ) |
13067 |
ABA-5PW ,1000 Å ( 7.5×7.5 ) |
13066 |
Boronate-5PW, 1000 Å ( 7.5×7.5 ) |
08645 |
Chelate-5PW, 1000 Å ( 7.5×7.5 ) |
08645 |
Chelate-5PW, 1000 Å ( 21.5×15 ) |
13064 |
Heparin-5PW, 1000 Å ( 7.5×7.5 ) |
14455 |
Tresyl-5PW (6.0×4.0) |
14456 |
Tresyl-5PW ( 7.5×7.5 ) |
20022 |
BioAssist Chelate, 1000 Å ( 7.8×5.0 ) |
14454 |
ABA-5PW Glass Guardgel Kit |
13127 |
ABA-5PW Guardgel Kit |
14451 |
Boronate-5PW Glass Guardgel Kit |
13125 |
Boronate-5PW Guardgel Kit |
14442 |
Chelate-5PW Glass Guardgel Kit |
08647 |
Chelate-5PW Guardgel Kit |
14445 |
Heparin-5PW Glass Guardgel Kit |
13121 |
Heparin-5PW Guardgel Kit |
08809 |
Tresyl-5PW Glass Guardge Holder |
16208 |
Tresyl-5PW,2g dry gel* |
Inertsil Diol
Inertsil Diol是在硅胶上键合二羟丙基键。它在正相模式和反相模式中均显示出了独特地选择性。Inertsil Diol也可以用于尺寸排阻法。
在下面图中,比较了Inertsil Diol和Entsil SIL-100A(纯硅胶柱)的选择性。Inertsil Diol对这些化合物显示出较高的选择性。
在下图中,有9种化合物通过Inertsil Diol和”Inertsil系列”的其他正相色谱柱被洗脱。 通过比较每种分析物的保留时间,可以注意到Inertsil Diol为包括碱性和酸性化合物在内的所有分析物提供了稳定的保留。
键合的二元醇基保护硅胶表面。 由于水的非特异性吸附减少,Inertsil Diol可以用100%水相洗脱液进行清洗。。Inertsil Diol可供重复使用。
Inertsil Diol具有比硅胶柱更高的负载量,它可以使用于制备型HPLC中。
英文名:Beta-Mannosidase (C. fimi) – 200U
规格:200 Units
市场价: 3200元
High purity recombinant beta-Mannosidase (C. fimi) for use in research, biochemical enzyme assays and in vitro diagnostic analysis.
CAZy Family: GH2
Recombinant from Cellulomonas fimi.
In 3.2 M ammonium sulphate.
Specific activity: ~ 15 U/mg (35oC; 0.8 mM p-nitrophenyl β-D-mannopyranoside; pH 6.5).
Stable at 4oC for > 2 years.
市场价: 3800元 爱尔兰Megazyme 海藻八糖
MXT-Biodiesel TG
货号 |
长度 |
内径 |
膜厚 |
预置保护柱 |
柱架直径 |
包装量 |
70289 |
14m |
0.53mm |
0.16μm |
2m Integra-Gap |
7 英寸 |
ea. |
70289-273 |
14m |
0.53mm |
0.16μm |
2m Integra-Gap |
3.5英寸 |
ea. |
70292 |
10m |
0.32mm |
0.10μm |
7 英寸 |
ea. |
70290 |
10m |
0.32mm |
0.10μm |
2m x 0.53mm Retention Gap |
7 英寸 |
ea. |
70290-273 |
10m |
0.32mm |
0.10μm |
2m x 0.53mm Retention Gap |
3.5英寸 |
ea. |
70293 |
15m |
0.32mm |
0.10μm |
7 英寸 |
ea. |
70291 |
15m |
0.32mm |
0.10μm |
2m x 0.53mm Retention Gap |
7 英寸 |
ea. |
70291-273 |
15m |
0.32mm |
0.10μm |
2m x 0.53mm Retention Gap |
3.5英寸 |
ea. |
70294 |
2m |
0.53mm |
保护柱 |
7 英寸 |
ea. |
A-PH 毛细柱 的固定相键合 α-环糊精衍生物( ( S)-2-羟基丙甲醚) 。能分离多种对映体、脂肪族、石蜡和芳香异构体,是一个能通用的手性色谱柱。
MAOT = 200℃(恒温线),220℃(程序温度)
货号 |
描述 |
71002AST |
Astec CHIRALDEX™ A-PH气相毛细柱L×I.D.20m×0.25mm,df 0.12μm,1个/包 |
71004AST |
Astec CHIRALDEX™ A-PH气相毛细柱 L×I.D.40m×0.25mm,df 0.12μm, 1个/包 |
71005AST |
Astec CHIRALDEX™ A-PH气相毛细柱L×I.D.50m×0.25mm,df 0.12μm,1个/包 |
英文名:Pyruvic Acid Assay Kit
规格:100 assays (manual) / 1000 assays (microplate)
市场价: 2500元
For the specific and rapid measurement and analysis of pyruvic acid in beer, wine, fruit juice, food products and bodily fluids.
Suitable for manual, auto-analyser and microplate formats.
UV-method for the determination of Pyruvic Acid in beer, cheese,
fermentation products and other materials
(D-lactate dehydrogenase)
(1) Pyruvate + NADH + H+ → D-lactic acid + NAD+
Kit size: 100 assays (manual) / 1000 (microplate)
/ 1000 (auto-analyser)
Method: Spectrophotometric at 340 nm
Reaction time: ~ 3 min
Detection limit: 0.39 mg/L
Application examples:
Wine, beer, fruit juices, soft drinks, cheese, dietary supplements,
pharmaceuticals and other materials (e.g. biological cultures,
samples, etc.)
Method recognition: New method
The pH of the assay solution after the sample is added should be the same as that of the assay buffer that is supplied with the kit.
Low sample volumes (e.g. 0.1 mL) are not likely to affect the pH of the assay solution and therefore may not require pH adjustment.
Samples above 0.1 mL are more likely to affect the pH of the assay solution and therefore the pH of these samples should be adjusted as described in the data booklet, prior to addition to the assay.
Sometimes the addition of the last assay component can cause a small negative absorbance change in the blank samples due to a dilution effect and in such cases it is recommended that the real absorbance values be used in the calculation of results.
If you suspect that the Megazyme test kit is not performing as expected such that expected results are not obtained please do the following:
The kit assay may work for biological fluids assuming that inositol is present above the limit of detection for the kit after any sample preparation (if required). Centrifugation of the samples and use of the supernatant directly in the kit assay (with appropriate dilution in distilled water) may be sufficient. However, if required a more stringent sample preparation method may be required and examples are provided at the following link:http://www.megazyme.com/docs/analytical-applications-downloads/biological_samples_111109.pdf?sfvrsn=2
The test kit has not been tested using biological fluids as samples because it is not marketed or registered as a medical device. This will therefore require your own validation.
The majority of the Megazyme test kits are developed to work in cuvettes using the manual assay format, however the assay can be converted for use in a 96-well microplate format. To do this the assay volumes for the manual cuvette format are reduced by 10-fold. The calculation of results for the manual assay format uses a 1 cm path-length, however the path-length in the microplate is not 1 cm and therefore the MegaCalc spreadsheet or the calculation provided in the kit booklet for the manual format cannot be used for the micropalate format unless the microplate reader being used can.
There a 3 main methods for calculation of results using the microplate format:
Where the amount of analyte in a liquid sample is unknown, it is recommended that a range of sample dilutions are prepared with the aim of obtaining an absorbance change in the assay that is within the linear range.
Where solid samples are analysed, the weight of sample per volume of water used for sample extraction/preparation can be altered to suit, as can the dilution of the extracted sample prior to the addition of the assay, as per liquid samples.
If there are any concerns with any kit components, the first thing to do is to test the standard sample (control sample) that is supplied with the kit and ensure that the expected value (within the accepted variation) is obtained before testing any precious samples. This must be done using the procedure provided in the kit booklet without any modifications to the procedure. If there are still doubts about the results using the standard sample in the kit then send example results in the MegaCalc spread sheet to your product supplier (Megazyme or your local Megazyme distributor).
The volume/weight of sample and total volume of the extract can be modified to suit the sample. This will ultimately be dictated by the amount of analyte of interest in the sample and may require empirical determination. For low levels of analyte the sample:extract volume ratio can be increased (i.e. increase the sample and/or decrease the total extraction volume).
Alternatively, for samples with low concentrations of analyte, a larger sample volume can be added to the kit assay. When altering the sample volume adjust the distilled water volume added to the assay accordingly so that the total assay volume is not altered.
For samples with low concentrations of analyte the sample volume used in the kit assay can be increased to increase sensitivity. When doing this the water volume is adjusted to retain the same final assay volume. This is critical for the manual assay format because the assay volume and sample volume are used in the calculation of results.
The test kit is extremely accurate – at Megazyme the quality control criteria for accuracy and repeatability is to be within 2% of the expected value using pure analytes.
However, the level of accuracy is obviously analyst and sample dependent.
Yes, instead of adding 2 μL of enzyme suspension an alternative is to dilute the enzyme and add a larger volume to the microplate assay.
Dilute the assay buffer 10-fold with distilled water and use this as the diluent to dilute an aliquot of the enzyme suspension also by 10-fold. Instead of 2 μL, use 20 μL of the diluted enzyme in the microplate assay.
No. The 0.1 change of absorbance is only a recommendation. The lowest acceptable change in absorbance can is dictated by the analyst and equipment (i.e. pipettes and spectrophotometer) and therefore can be can be determined by the user. With accurate pipetting, absorbance changes as low as 0.02 can be used accurately.
If a change in absorbance above 0.1 is required but cannot be achieved due to low concentrations of analyte in a sample, this can be overcome by using a larger sample volume in the assay to increase the absorbance change and thereby increase sensitivity of the assay. When doing this the increased volume of the sample should be subtracted from the distilled water volume that is added to the assay so that the total assay volume is unaltered. The increase sample volume should also be accounted for when calculating final results.
Yes. Samples with the lower concentrations of analyte will generate a lower absorbance change. For samples with low concentrations of analyte, a larger sample volume can be used in the assay to increase the absorbance change and thereby increase sensitivity of the assay. When doing this the increased volume of the sample should be subtracted from the distilled water volume that is added to the assay so that the total assay volume is unaltered. The increase sample volume should also be accounted for when calculating final results.
英文名: β-Glucan Assay Kit (Yeast & Mushroom)
规格:100 assays per kit
市场价: 4200元
For the measurement of 1,3:1,6-ß-glucan and α-glucan in yeast preparations. Content: 100 assays per kit
Colourimetric method for the determination of Yeast and
Mushroom β-Glucan in yeast, mushroom, foodstuffs and
other materials
(conc. HCl, 30°C, 45 min)
(1) 1,3:1,6-β-Glucan + 1,3-β-glucan + α-glucan + H2O →
soluble glucan
(1.3 M HCl, 100°C, 2 h)
(2) Soluble glucan + H2O → D-glucose + laminarisaccharides (trace)
(exo-1,3-β-glucanase + β-glucosidase)
(3) Laminarisaccharides + H2O → D-glucose
(glucose oxidase)
(4) D-Glucose + H2O + O2 → D-gluconate + H2O2
(5) 2H2O2 + p-hydroxybenzoic acid + 4-aminoantipyrine →
quinoneimine + 4H2O
(6) α-Glucan + H2O → D-glucose
Kit size: 100 assays
Method: Spectrophotometric at 510 nm
Total assay time: ~ 100 min
Detection limit: 1-100% of sample weight
Application examples:
Yeast preparations, mushroom preparations and other materials
Method recognition: Novel method
If you suspect that the Megazyme test kit is not performing as expected such that expected results are not obtained please do the following:
The pH of the assay solution after the sample is added should be the same as that of the assay buffer that is supplied with the kit.
Low sample volumes (e.g. 0.1 mL) are not likely to affect the pH of the assay solution and therefore may not require pH adjustment.
Samples above 0.1 mL are more likely to affect the pH of the assay solution and therefore the pH of these samples should be adjusted as described in the data booklet, prior to addition to the assay.
Megazyme 酵母菌β-葡聚糖酶法检测试剂盒操作视频(K-YBGL)
Megazyme 溶解淀粉 操作视频
Megazyme 试剂盒样品前处理准备操作视频
➣ 目前分辨率、选择性高的凝胶过滤介质,流速快而反压低;
➣ 低非特异性吸附,提高回收率;
➣ 化学物理稳定性特高,在0.1M HCl或1M NaOH 中40℃ 400h,分辨率保持不变;
➣ 装柱方法简单方便,可自行装入实验室用Tricorn、HR、XK柱,生产用BPG柱等层析柱;
➣ 另有三中特为FPLC、HPLC分析、检测工作设计的Superdex系列10/300GL预装柱。
货号 |
产品 |
包装 |
分离范围(球蛋白) |
粒径(μm) |
特性应用 |
PH工作[清洗] |
耐压 |
最高流速 |
17-0905-10 |
Superdex 30 prep grade |
25ml |
<10,000 |
22-44 |
重组蛋白肽类、多糖、小蛋白等 |
3-12[1-14] |
0.3MPa |
90 cm/h |
17-0905-01 |
150ml |
17-0905-02 |
1L |
17-0905-03 |
5L |
17-1044-10 |
Superdex 75 prep grade |
25ml |
3000-70,000 |
22-44 |
重组蛋白、细胞色素 |
3-12[1-14] |
0.3MPa |
90 cm/h |
17-1044-01 |
150ml |
17-1044-02 |
1L |
17-1044-03 |
5L |
17-1043-10 |
Superdex 200 prep grade |
25ml |
10,000-600,000 |
22-44 |
单抗、大蛋白 |
3-12[1-14] |
0.3MPa |
90 cm/h |
17-1043-02 |
150ml |
17-1043-03 |
1L |
17-1043-04 |
5L |
➣ 宽广的分离范围配合高分辨率,能一次性分离生物分子大小差异大的混合物;
➣ 刚性特别号,在高粘性液体如8M 尿素下也能保持流速,适合糖类、核酸、病毒,特别是包涵体蛋白在促溶剂中的纯化。凝胶的寿命特长。
➣ 颗粒细小,大小分布集中,允许高流速纯化,适合中、高压层析系统使用。
货号 |
产品 |
包装 |
分离范围(球蛋白) |
粒径(μm) |
特性应用 |
PH 工作[清洗] |
耐压 |
最高流速 |
17-0489-01 |
Superose 6 prep grade |
125ml |
5000-5×106 |
20-40 |
肽类蛋白、多糖、寡核苷酸、病毒 |
3-12[1-14] |
0.4MPa |
40 cm/h |
17-0489-03 |
1L |
17-0489-04 |
5L |
17-0536-01 |
Superose 12 prep grade |
125ml |
1000-300,000 |
20-40 |
肽类蛋白、多糖 |
3-12[1-14] |
0.4MPa |
40 cm/h |
17-0536-03 |
1L |
17-0536-04 |
5L |
➣ 六种不同分离范围,提供了广阔的选择性。介质反压特低、易于自行装柱;
➣ 良好的机械性能,提供快速高分辨率的纯化;
➣ 化学稳定性高过传统凝胶,可用0.5M NaOH 在位清洗;
➣ 经济型Hiprep16、26/60Sephacryl100,200,300HR预装柱提高重复性和分辨率。
货号 |
产品 |
包装 |
分离范围(球蛋白) |
粒径(μm) |
特性应用 |
PH工作[清洗] |
耐压 |
最高流速 |
17-0612-01 |
Sephacry S-00HR |
750ml |
1000-100,000 |
25-75 |
肽类、激素、小蛋白 |
3-11[2-13] |
0.2MPa |
60cm/h |
17-0612-05 |
10L |
17-0612-05 |
150ml |
17-0584-01 |
Sephacry S-200HR |
750ml |
5000-250,000 |
25-75 |
蛋白如血清蛋白、白蛋白 |
3-11[2-13] |
0.2MPa |
60cm/h |
17-0584-05 |
10L |
17-0584-10 |
150ml |
17-0599-01 |
Sephacry S-300HR |
750ml |
10,000-1.5×106 |
25-75 |
蛋白如膜蛋白和血清蛋白等 |
3-11[2-13] |
0.2MPa |
60cm/h |
17-0599-05 |
10L |
17-0599-10 |
150ml |
17-0613-01 |
Sephacry S-300HR |
750ml |
葡聚糖40,000-2×107 |
25-75 |
<25,000bpDNA限制片段如DNA限制片段 |
3-11[2-13] |
0.2MPa |
60cm/h |
17-0613-05 |
10L |
17-0613-10 |
150ml |
Sepharose Fast Flow-高流速大分子分离
➣ 高度偶联的联琼脂糖介质,大大加强了机械性能,流速特快,适合工业规模生产;
➣ 经去电荷处理,非特性吸附极低,提高回收率;
➣ 极高的化学稳定性,可用多种促溶剂、有机溶剂工作及1-2M NaOH 在位清洗。
货号 |
产品 |
包装 |
分离范围(球蛋白) |
粒径(μm) |
特性应用 |
PH工作[清洗] |
耐压 |
最高流速 |
17-0159-01 |
Sepharose 6 Fast Flow |
1L |
1,000-4×106 |
45-165 |
巨大分子如DNA质粒、病毒 |
2-12[2-14] |
0.1MPa |
300cm/h |
17-0159-05 |
10L |
17-0149-01 |
Sepharose 4 Fast Flow |
1L |
60,000-20×106 |
45-165 |
巨大分子如重组乙型肝炎表面抗原、病毒 |
2-12[2-14] |
0.1MPa |
300cm/h |
17-0149-05 |
10L |
➣ 传统的偶联琼脂糖介质,非特异性吸附极低,回收率高;
➣ 有三种不同浓度的琼脂糖供选择,分离范围十分宽广,从10,000到40,000,000,适合分离分子量大小差异大,而对分辨率要求不高的样本。
货号 |
产品 |
包装 |
分离范围(球蛋白) |
粒径(μm) |
特性应用 |
PH工作[清洗] |
耐压 |
最高流速 |
17-0130-01 |
Sepharose 2B |
1L |
70,000-40×106 |
60-200 |
蛋白、大分子复合物、病毒、不对称分子如核酸和多糖的分离、分子量测定 |
4-9[3-11] |
0.004MPa |
10cm/h |
17-0130-05 |
10L |
17-0120-01 |
Sepharose 2B |
1L |
60,000-20×106 |
45-165 |
蛋白、多糖、肽类、分子量的测定 |
4-9[3-11] |
0.008MPa |
11.5cm/h |
17-0120-05 |
10L |
Sepharose CL-有机溶剂纯化
➣ Sepharose和2,3二溴丙醇反应而成,增强了Sepharose的物理和化学稳定性;
➣ 特别适合含有机溶剂的分离,能承受较强的在位清洗,并可以高温消毒;
➣ 流速方面比较传统的Sepharose有明显提高。
货号 |
产品 |
包装 |
分离范围(球蛋白) |
粒径(μm) |
特性应用 |
PH工作[清洗] |
耐压 |
最高流速 |
17-0140-01 |
Sepharose |
1L |
70,000-40×106 |
600-200 |
蛋白、大分子复合物、病毒核酸、蛋白多糖、分子量测量、不能溶解/凝集于水溶液的分子 |
3-13[2-14] |
0.005MPa |
15cm/h |
17-0140-05 |
10L |
17-0151-01 |
Sepharose |
1L |
60,000-20×106 |
45-165 |
大蛋白、肽类、多糖、特别是不能溶解/凝集于水溶剂的分子及分子的测定 |
3-13[2-14] |
0.012MPa |
26cm/h |
17-0150-05 |
10L |
➣ 经典的葡聚糖和环氧氯丙烷偶联介质,拥有极高的选择性;
➣ 多种分离范围、颗粒大小供选择,粗颗粒流速较快,细颗粒流速较慢,分辨率较高。Sephadex已逐渐被新一代BioProcess凝胶所代替。
Sephadex LH-20中草药及小分子纯化
货号 |
产品 |
包装 |
分离范围(球蛋白) |
粒径(μm) |
特性应用 |
PH工作[清洗] |
最高流速 |
17-0090-10 |
Sephadex LH-20 |
25g |
100-4000 |
干粉18-111 |
胆固醇、脂肪酸、激素、维他命、天然产物 |
2-13[2-14] |
720 cm/h |
17-0090-01 |
100g |
17-0090-02 |
500g |
17-0090-03 |
5kg |
英文名: Available Carbohydrates/Dietary Fiber Assay Kit
规格:100 assays of each component
市场价: 5300元
分析物意义: 快速消化和吸收的糖及膳食纤维
An integrated procedure for the measurement of available carbohydrates and dietary fibre in cereal products, fruit and vegetables and food products. Content:100 assays of each component
An integrated procedure for the measurement of Available
Carbohydrates and Dietary Fiber in cereal products, fruit and
vegetables and food products
Principle (Dietary Fiber):
(α-amylase + amyloglucosidase)
(1) Starch + H2O → glucose
(2) Protein + H2O → peptides
(3) Dietary fiber determined gravimetrically following
alcohol precipitation
Principle (Available Carbohydrates):
(sucrase / maltase + β-galactosidase)
(4) Sucrose, maltose and lactose → D-glucose + D-fructose
+ D-galactose
(PGI, hexokinase + glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase)
(5) D-Glucose + D-fructose + ATP + NADP+ → gluconate-6-phosphate
+ NADPH + ADP + H+
Kit size: 100 assays of each
Application examples:
Food ingredients, food products and other materials
Method recognition:
Dietary Fibre - AOAC (Methods 985.29, 991.42, 991.43 and 993.19)
and AACC (Methods 32-05.01, 32-07.01 and 32-21.01)
Q1. There is an issue with the performance of the kit; the results are not as expected.
If you suspect that the Megazyme test kit is not performing as expected such that expected results are not obtained please do the following:
The pH of the assay solution after the sample is added should be the same as that of the assay buffer that is supplied with the kit.
Low sample volumes (e.g. 0.1 mL) are not likely to affect the pH of the assay solution and therefore may not require pH adjustment.
Samples above 0.1 mL are more likely to affect the pH of the assay solution and therefore the pH of these samples should be adjusted as described in the data booklet, prior to addition to the assay.
英文名:Phosphoglucose isomerase (E.coli)
市场价: 9700元
High purity Phosphoglucose isomerase (E.coli) for use in research, biochemical enzyme assays and in vitro diagnostic analysis.
Recombinant from Escherichia coli.
In 3.2M ammonium sulphate.
Specific activity: ~ 900 U/mg of protein (25oC, pH 7.6) or ~ 1,200 U/mg of protein (40oC, pH 7.6).
Stable at 4oC for > 4 years.
Data booklets for each pack size are located in the Technical Resources tab.
英文名:Cellulase (endo-1,4-β-D-glucanase) (Trichoderma longibrachiatum)
规格:1000 Units
市场价: 2900元
High purity Cellulase (endo-1,4-β-D-glucanase) (T. Longibrachiatum) for use in research, biochemical enzyme assays and in vitro diagnostic analysis.
From Trichoderma longibrachiatum. Electrophoretically homogeneous.
In 3.2 M ammonium sulphate.
Specific activity: ca. ~ 70 U/mg (40oC, pH 4.5, CM-cellulose 4M as substrate).
Stable at 4oC for > 4 years.
XSelect™ HPLC色谱柱专门为经常进行方法开发的科学家而设计。这一系类的色谱柱提供了多种键合相供选择,以帮助我们分离那些难分开的化合物。XSelect色谱柱家族既包含的CSH技术,也包括以硅胶基质的具有宽泛选择性和键合相的HSS技术。基质同键合相结合影响分离选择性,每一种单独使用,都不会带来选择性的改变;然而,基质和键合相结合在一起后就创造出了提高选择性的首选工具。
所有的XSelect 色谱柱都有UPLC 粒径可选(ACQUITY UPLC CSH 1.7 μm 和ACQUITY UPLC HSS 1.8 μm)。
CSH C18 |
CSH苯己基 |
CSH氟苯基 |
HSS T3 |
HSS C18 |
HSS C18 SB |
配体类型 |
三键键合C18 |
三键键合苯己基 |
三键键合氟苯基 |
三键键合C18 |
三键键合C18 |
三键键合C18 |
三键键合氟苯基 |
单键键合氰基 |
配体密度μmol/m2 |
2.3 |
2.3 |
2.3 |
1.6 |
3.2 |
1.6 |
3.2 |
2.0 |
碳载量 |
15% |
14% |
10% |
11% |
15% |
8% |
7% |
5% |
封端类型 |
专利 |
专利 |
无 |
专利 |
专利 |
无 |
无 |
无 |
USP分类 |
L1 |
L11 |
L43 |
L1 |
L1 |
L1 |
L43 |
L10 |
pH 范围 |
1-11 |
1-11 |
1-8 |
2-8 |
1-8 |
2-8 |
2-8 |
2-8 |
低pH温度限值 |
80 ?C |
80 ?C |
60 ?C |
45 ?C |
45 ?C |
45 ?C |
45 ?C |
45 ?C |
高pH温度限值 |
45 ?C |
45 ?C |
45 ?C |
45 ?C |
45 ?C |
45 ?C |
45 ?C |
45 ?C |
孔径* |
130 A |
130 A |
130 A |
100 A |
100 A |
100 A |
100 A |
100 A |
表面积 |
185 m2/g |
185 m2/g |
185 m2/g |
230 m2/g |
230 m2/g |
230 m2/g |
230 m2/g |
230 m2/g |
粒径μm |
2.5, 3.5, 5 |
2.5, 3.5, 5 |
2.5, 3.5, 5 |
2.5, 3.5, 5 |
2.5, 3.5, 5 |
2.5, 3.5, 5 |
2.5, 3.5, 5 |
2.5, 3.5, 5 |
英文名:Guanylate kinase (prokaryote)
规格:500 Units
市场价: 3300元
High purity recombinant Guanylate kinase (prokaryote) for use in research, biochemical enzyme assays and in vitrodiagnostic analysis.
Recombinant from a prokaryote.
In 3.2 M ammonium sulphate.
Specific activity: 568.4 U/mg (25oC, pH 7.6).
Stable at 4oC for > 2 years.
InertSep AL-A
InertSep AL是一种由氧化铝(Al2O3)制成的固相萃取小柱,有三种类型:A型(酸性),B型(碱性),N型(中性)。
InertSep AL-A是A型,用于保留或去除极性化合物和酸性化合物。