Cole-Parmer 氧化氯传感器,0至10 PPM,4至20 mA输出 CLD410
Cole-Parmer® Chlorine Dioxide Sensor, 0 to 10 ppm, 4 to 20 mA output
- 商品编号:Cole-Parmer 氧化氯传感器,0至10 PPM,4至20 mA输出 CLD410
- 货 号:CLD410
- 品 牌:Cole-Parmer(Cole-Parmer 是世界第二大实验室仪器品牌,在美国本土市场占有率常年保持在40%以上,旗下产品囊括了几乎所有常见的实验室仪器,种类齐全,质量可靠,服务有保障。www.cole-parmer.net由于Cole Parmer实验室仪器涵盖领域广泛,不仅生物,化学方面的实验室可以很好的覆盖,石油,制药,林业,矿业等也都在Cole Parmer实验室仪器的涵盖范围内,像可口可乐,箭牌口香糖,雀巢咖啡,博士伦,希捷,双鹤,中海油等也都与Cole Parmer有着广泛的且较深层次的合作。ww)
- 计量单位:台
- 所得积分:107
- 市场价: ¥11712.00
- 销售价: ¥10736.00
- 节省: ¥976.00
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Cole-Parmer 氧化氯传感器,0至10 PPM,4至20 mA输出
Cole-Parmer® Chlorine Dioxide Sensor, 0 to 10 ppm, 4 to 20 mA output
4至20 mA输出信号直接送入到大部分PLC,数据采集器,或图表记录仪
传感器具有内部ATC和信号调节器提供4至20 mA输出信号在测量范围。传感器和流通池,可用于新安装或替换其他4至20 mA输出传感器。安装在现有的环路供电系统或为了供电面板仪表94785-12 大多数应用中使用寿命超过一年。膜帽和填充液可更换传感器使其寿命最大化;单独订货。
An economical replacement for other chlorine and chlorine dioxide sensors
4 to 20 mA output signal feeds directly into most PLCs, dataloggers, or chart recorders
Multiple ranges available
Designed for use in water treatment applications. Sensors measure on-line, in real-time, and are available in two ranges for detecting ppm levels of chlorine dioxide within a pH range of 4 to 11. Sensors have some cross sensitivity with ozone. Three levels of free chlorine can be measured between pH 5.5 to 8.0. Sensors have some cross reactivity with ozone, bromine, and chlorine dioxide.
Sensors feature an internal ATC and signal conditioner to provide a 4 to 20 mA output signal over the measurement range. Sensors and flow cells can be used for new installations or as replacements for other 4 to 20 mA output sensors. Install in existing loop-powered systems or order powered panel meter 94785-12.
Service life exceeds one year in most applications. Membrane caps and fill solution can be replaced to maximize sensor life; order separately.
产品规格 |
描述 |
二氧化氯传感器 |
范围 |
0至10ppm |
准确性 |
±5%FS |
温度补偿 |
自动 |
最大压力 |
14.7磅(1巴) |
流量范围 |
0.2〜0.6 GPM(45至135升/小时) |
产量 |
4至20 mA |
外壳 |
分辨率 |
0.1 ppm |
功率 |
12至24 VDC,250 mA最小 |
生产编号 |
CLD410 |
品牌 |
Cole-Parmer |
Specifications |
Description |
Chlorine Dioxide Sensor |
Range |
0 to 10 ppm |
Accuracy |
±5% FS |
Temp compensation |
Automatic |
Max pressure |
14.7 psi (1 bar) |
Flow range |
0.2 to 0.6 GPM (45 to 135 L/hr) |
Output |
4 to 20 mA |
Housing |
Resolution |
0.1 ppm |
Power |
12 to 24 VDC, 250 mA minimum |
Manufacturer number |
CLD410 |
Brand |
Cole-Parmer |