Ohaus/PA 214奥豪斯分析天平价格|型号 _天平及秤原理

Ohaus/PA 214奥豪斯分析天平

Ohaus/奥豪斯PA 214分析天平 Ohaus Pioneer Analytical Balance, 210 G X 0.1 Mg (115 VAC)

  • 商品编号:Ohaus/PA 214奥豪斯分析天平
  • 货  号:Ohaus/奥豪斯PA 214分析天平
  • 品  牌:OHAUS/奥豪斯(自1907年以来,奥豪斯一直专注于质量与测量。奥豪斯从来没有远离过其宗旨,就是发展并提高我们的天平、台秤、水分仪及分析仪器来确保奥豪斯产品组合的现代化、经济型以及使用便捷性。豪斯根据ISO9001:2008的要求编制、实施、保持和文件记录质量管理体系,不断提高其有效性。)
  • 计量单位:
  • 所得积分:258
  • 市场价: ¥30960.00
  • 销售价: ¥25800.00
  • 节省: ¥5160.00

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app hook

Ohaus/奥豪斯PA 214分析天平
易于清洁分析防风罩 – 面板和门是可移动的,易于清洗
可选择的环境设置 – 三滤的模式和零位跟踪可调调节平衡的敏感性环境干扰或应用程序要求
先锋的防风罩移除完全在几秒钟内彻底清洗所有部件。定期清洁,有助于避免样品的污染,延长使用寿命的平衡。一个标准的使用盖提供额外的保护,防止溢出和减少损害的显示器和键盘。三个用户可选的环境的设置有助于平衡适应恶劣的环境和其他干扰更大的称量精度。前面的指标消除了需要看后面的练级过程中的平衡-快速浏览的前期指标,有助于确保平衡是在每次使用前水平。一个完整的安全支架,防止非授权移动或盗窃。RS-232接口可以连接到一个打印机或PC的平衡ID,用户和项目ID的记录,时间和日期。包括: 115 VAC适配器,保护,使用盖,下面平衡重钩,和一个草案屏蔽
产品类型 分析天平
校准 外部
量(g) 210
容量(盎司) 7
外壳尺寸 20×29×32厘米
外形尺寸(W) 7-3/4
外形尺寸(“H) 11-1/4
外形尺寸(“D) 12-1/2
秤盘尺寸(直径) 3-1/2“(8.9厘米)
可读性(g) 0.0001
线性度(毫克) ±0.3
重复性(毫克) ±0.1
称量单位 毫克,克,磅,克拉,盎司,OZT,DWT,tical,托拉,mommes,泰铢,粮食,mesghal,牛顿,两
稳定时间 3秒
稳定过滤器 三滤模式
电源(VAC) 115
产量 RS-232
模型 PA 214

Ohaus Pioneer Analytical Balance, 210 G X 0.1 Mg (115 VAC)

The draft shield removes completely for thorough cleaning of all components within seconds
Easy to clean analytical draft shield – panels and doors are removable for easy cleaning
Selectable environmental settings – three filter modes and adjustable zero tracking adjust balance sensitivity to environmental disturbances or application requirements
Basic weighing, parts counting, and percent weighing, plus 15 weighing units including one custom unit
Adjustable zero tracking is ideal for slow-filling applications where sensitivity is a must
The Pioneer’s draft shield removes completely for complete cleaning of all components within seconds. Periodic cleaning helps avoid sample contamination and extends the life of the balance. A standard in-use cover provides added protection against spillage and minimizes damage to the display and keypad. Three user-selectable environmental settings help the balance adapt to harsh environments and other disturbances for greater weighing accuracy. An up front level indicator eliminates the need to look behind the balance during the leveling process — a quick glance at the up-front indicator helps ensure the balance is level prior to each use. An integral security bracket prevents unauthorized movement or theft. An RS-232 interface allows connection to a printer or PC for a record of balance ID, user and project ID, and time and date.
What’s Included:
115 VAC Adapter, protective in-use cover, below balance weighing hook, and a draft shield

Product Type Analytical Balances
Auto shutoff yes
Calibration External
Capacity (g) 210
Capacity (oz) 7
Housing dimensions 20 x 29 x 32 cm
Dimensions (” W) 7-3/4
Dimensions (” H) 11-1/4
Dimensions (” D) 12-1/2
Pan size (dia) 3-1/2″ (8.9 cm)
Readability (g) 0.0001
Linearity (mg) ±0.3
Repeatability (mg) ±0.1
Weighing units mg, g, lb, ct, oz, ozt, dwt, tical, tola, mommes, baht, grain, mesghal, Newton, taels
Stabilization time 3 seconds
Stability filters three filter modes
Power (VAC) 115
Stability Indicator yes
Output RS-232
Brand Ohaus
Model PA 214